Monday, April 11, 2011

What the Drive-0-matic Does

This car drives the visually impaired people to their destination.  This car is a 2 door car only.This car is powered by the most advanced technology. The Drive-0-matic 2000 has voice recognition. The Drive-o-matic 2000 is voice activated.  The voice recognition software comes in all different types of languages. It comes in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Russian.The visually impaired person has a chip implanted in their hand with their consent, and the implant acts like a tracking device and the car can locate them.  The chip is called the drive-0-chip 2000. Once the visually impaired person is by the car the door opens by voice activation. The car Samples the persons voice and analyzes it and matches the voice. Once the visually impaired person’s voice is matched and stored in the car’s memory bank, they then can say “door open” and the door will automatically open for them. There is in addition to the voice recognition system brail engraved in the car so they read the gauges. The manual to the car is in brail. The GPS then brings them to their destination. The automatic arm that is installed by the driver's seat it also pops out their cane so they can get out and walk into the place. The car parks itself in front of the place with a front and rear camera with motion sensors. The motion sensors beep when the car  is too close to another car.When the person is done at their destination the car is outside waiting for them. The car also has a limit to speed. The car only goes 80 MPHR. The car also has infrared in the cameras so they can drive at night.
For more information log onto our website for this revolutionary car at: fortheVisionimpaired
or call Ford motors up at:
tel# 313-248-1988

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