Monday, April 11, 2011

The Drive-0-matic 2000 car Specs!!!!

The drive-0-matic comes with the most advanced technology that anyone has ever since in a car before. The drive-o-matic specs are dpecifically designed for this car.
Here are the specs for the drive-0-matic 2ooo.
  • Two door coupe
  • Voice activated controls
  • Fuel injection
  • No steering wheel
  • No Door Handles
  • No pedals
  • Speedometer
  • State of the art GPS
  • Bose stereo system (for music)
  • All leather interior
  • Camera in back of the car
  • Camera on top of the car
  • Infrared camera (for night time only)
  • 3.0 Liter
  • Fuel efficient (runs on electricity)
  • Or solar powered
  • Motion sensors for Parking (car parks itself)
  • 4-wheel drive
  • V-12 engine
  • Fog lights
  • Air Bags
  • Drink holders
  • Robotic arm that hands drinks to the visually impaired person
  • GPS hand Chip implant (chip-0-matic-2000)
  • Brail engraved in the car
  • 10 year warranty on the Vehicle
  • To view more on these specs in detail log onto our website at

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