Monday, April 11, 2011

Ford's car of the future

Ford Motors was founded by Henry Ford and started in Dearborn, Michigan, in 1903. Ford came up with many classic and racing cars, like The Cobra, The Mustang, Ford GT 40, and the Thunderbird. Ford has made reliable and classic cars for over 100 years. Now it is time to go beyond in the future. This spring ford is coming out with a revolutionary car.
Ford is coming out with a new car this year. This is a revolutionary car. Ford thought it was time to create something new, innovative, something no one has ever heard of. That is why they created The Drive-0-matic 2000.
The Drive –o -matic 2000, is  a car is for the visually impaired people. This car will allow the visually impaired people to drive anywhere. Forget walking! This car drives the visually impaired  to their destination.
This car is powered by the most advanced technology.For has worked with the most experienced engineers in developing this technology for the Drive-o-matic 2000.
Just imagine what kind of effect this car will have on the industry. Now everyone has a chance to experience what every young adult waits for, to drive!!!, but now the people who once were never allowed to drive  ,now can. This car will also eliminate the hassle of other people having to drive them everywhere, especially family members, and also  for family members of the visually impaired having to pay for a care service that shuttles the visually impaired everywhere.
Anything is possible. This is what Ford is showing the world, with this innovative car and technology that is installed in the car. I have never seen a car like this, this is truly a thing of the future.
To find out more about this car contact your Ford dealer and subscribe to this blog. We will continue to have updates on this revolutionary car built by Ford.

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