Monday, April 25, 2011

Ford's Drive-o-matic 2000 will appear in this year's auto show at the Jacob Javits Center

Once again the years auto show will be held at the Jacob Javits Convention Center. Get ready for the 2011 auto show!!!!!!!!!!!! In the auto show this year there will be all new innovative and new improved cars, sports cars, and luxury cars that will be showcased. Car manufactures like Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Bentley, Jaguar, Ferrari, Lamborghini,  Porsche, Toyota, and Ford will also make a special appearance this year with a new car. The Drive-o-matic 2000 will appear in this year's auto show at the Jacob Javits  Convention Center in Manhattan, New York. This will show how far Ford has come with new technology and innovation in the automotive industry.

This is a picture of the Jacob Javits  Convention Center

The Javits  Convention Center is located at 

655 West 34th Street
New York, NY 10001

To contact the Javits Center about the unveiling of the Drive-o-matic 2000 call-
(212) 216-2000
and ask for the unveiling of the Drive-o-matic 2000.

or log onto their website at -o-matic2000

For Directions how to get to the Javits Convention Center click the link below

In light of the Drive-o-matic 2000 release Ford will donate money to schools for the visually impaired

Since the Drive-o-matic 2000 is a revolutionary car built by Ford for the visually impaired, Ford will donate some of the profits they make from the sale of the car to schools for the visually impaired.
It will help build more schools for the visually impaired, and buy more books and have them converted into brail for the visually impaired. 

Here is a picture of a book in brail.

Here is a picture of a specialized school for the visually impaired.

Here is a picture of the alphabet in brail.

Ford is also going to set up a scholarship in the name of Ray Charles. The visually impaired  talented songwriter and pianist. The money that will be given by Ford will go to  the  young talented men and women who are visually impaired artists and musicians in America.To contribute you can contact your local Ford dealer and ask about the Ray Charles-Ford fund.

For more information on the Ray Charles-Ford Scholarship Fund log onto

or to hear more about how Ford is funding money to build more schools for the visually impaired log onto

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Celebrity Derek Jeter is spokesman for Ford and the Drive-o-matic 2000

Celebrity Baseball player for the Yankees Derek Jeter just made a commercial for Ford cars.
He has agreed to become the spokesman for the Ford's Drive-o-matic 2000 that is going to come out at the end of this year.


America's Best Dance Crew is also made a commercial for Ford and are supporting the Drive-o-matic 2000. The commercial for the Drive-o-matic 2000 is supposed to be on ABDC this season.

The drive-o-matic 2000 commercial will also appear every time Yankee star Derek Jeter goes up to bat inside Yankee Stadium, in the Bronx, New York (only).

Derek Jeter has supported Ford Motors for awhile.

Here is a Ford commercial with Derek Jeter.

Here is the link to the new Ford commercial with Derek Jeter.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ford helps Fundraise for Japan relief

Upon the release of the Drive-o-matic 2000, Ford is going to raise money for relief efforts in Japan.
Japan has recently encountered a great disaster, a Tsunami. The Tsunami has created a ton of chaos and death. It is tragic that Japan has suffered this disaster.

The way that Ford is going to help raise money for Japan, is that for every car that Ford dealerships sell, the managers of that Ford dealership are required to donate part of the money they earn from that sale to go to a relief fund for Japan that ford is setting up.

The Ford Motors company itself will also make a contribution for help with the relief efforts in Japan.

 For every purchase that a Ford customer makes they can also voluntarily make a small donation to help with the relief efforts in Japan.

Ford will also sell Japan relief bracelets at every dealership at the cost of $3, none of the money will go to the company, all the profits made from these sales will go to help those who have been struck by the terrible disaster that has occurred in Japan.

If you would like to donate to help today, or for more information on Ford's fundraiser click on the link below.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Interior of the Drive-o-matic 2000

The interior of the Drive-o-matic 2000 is new and never seen before in the automotive industry. Ford is the first to have the inside of a car look like this!!!

The interior of the Drive-o-matic 2000 is all leather, no Pleather in this car!
Ford wanted to make something comfortable, yet stylish and sleek.

The inside of the Drive-o-matic 2000 has the most advanced audio system by Bose.

For more about the audio system log onto

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Old Ford cars vs. Drive-0-matic 2000

Ford brought us the classic cars such as the the mustang and Cobra 

Now be prepared for the Drive-0-matic 2000.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Drive-0-matic 2000 car Specs!!!!

The drive-0-matic comes with the most advanced technology that anyone has ever since in a car before. The drive-o-matic specs are dpecifically designed for this car.
Here are the specs for the drive-0-matic 2ooo.
  • Two door coupe
  • Voice activated controls
  • Fuel injection
  • No steering wheel
  • No Door Handles
  • No pedals
  • Speedometer
  • State of the art GPS
  • Bose stereo system (for music)
  • All leather interior
  • Camera in back of the car
  • Camera on top of the car
  • Infrared camera (for night time only)
  • 3.0 Liter
  • Fuel efficient (runs on electricity)
  • Or solar powered
  • Motion sensors for Parking (car parks itself)
  • 4-wheel drive
  • V-12 engine
  • Fog lights
  • Air Bags
  • Drink holders
  • Robotic arm that hands drinks to the visually impaired person
  • GPS hand Chip implant (chip-0-matic-2000)
  • Brail engraved in the car
  • 10 year warranty on the Vehicle
  • To view more on these specs in detail log onto our website at

What the Drive-0-matic Does

This car drives the visually impaired people to their destination.  This car is a 2 door car only.This car is powered by the most advanced technology. The Drive-0-matic 2000 has voice recognition. The Drive-o-matic 2000 is voice activated.  The voice recognition software comes in all different types of languages. It comes in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Russian.The visually impaired person has a chip implanted in their hand with their consent, and the implant acts like a tracking device and the car can locate them.  The chip is called the drive-0-chip 2000. Once the visually impaired person is by the car the door opens by voice activation. The car Samples the persons voice and analyzes it and matches the voice. Once the visually impaired person’s voice is matched and stored in the car’s memory bank, they then can say “door open” and the door will automatically open for them. There is in addition to the voice recognition system brail engraved in the car so they read the gauges. The manual to the car is in brail. The GPS then brings them to their destination. The automatic arm that is installed by the driver's seat it also pops out their cane so they can get out and walk into the place. The car parks itself in front of the place with a front and rear camera with motion sensors. The motion sensors beep when the car  is too close to another car.When the person is done at their destination the car is outside waiting for them. The car also has a limit to speed. The car only goes 80 MPHR. The car also has infrared in the cameras so they can drive at night.
For more information log onto our website for this revolutionary car at: fortheVisionimpaired
or call Ford motors up at:
tel# 313-248-1988

Ford's car of the future

Ford Motors was founded by Henry Ford and started in Dearborn, Michigan, in 1903. Ford came up with many classic and racing cars, like The Cobra, The Mustang, Ford GT 40, and the Thunderbird. Ford has made reliable and classic cars for over 100 years. Now it is time to go beyond in the future. This spring ford is coming out with a revolutionary car.
Ford is coming out with a new car this year. This is a revolutionary car. Ford thought it was time to create something new, innovative, something no one has ever heard of. That is why they created The Drive-0-matic 2000.
The Drive –o -matic 2000, is  a car is for the visually impaired people. This car will allow the visually impaired people to drive anywhere. Forget walking! This car drives the visually impaired  to their destination.
This car is powered by the most advanced technology.For has worked with the most experienced engineers in developing this technology for the Drive-o-matic 2000.
Just imagine what kind of effect this car will have on the industry. Now everyone has a chance to experience what every young adult waits for, to drive!!!, but now the people who once were never allowed to drive  ,now can. This car will also eliminate the hassle of other people having to drive them everywhere, especially family members, and also  for family members of the visually impaired having to pay for a care service that shuttles the visually impaired everywhere.
Anything is possible. This is what Ford is showing the world, with this innovative car and technology that is installed in the car. I have never seen a car like this, this is truly a thing of the future.
To find out more about this car contact your Ford dealer and subscribe to this blog. We will continue to have updates on this revolutionary car built by Ford.

Ford Motors is coming out with new revolutionary car!!!!

Ford wil be coming out with a new car this month.